My journey

Once out of high school, I spent a year in Spain as part of an exchange student program before pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing. Once the kids came along and we’d moved to Texas (from Ireland), I chose to stay at home with them, mostly because I sucked at nursing and it was a great excuse. 😛

I’ve spent the last twenty-two years providing inner healing and counseling as a lay minister — both online and for the local Austin area. In 2014, I became a certified life coach, dream coach, and seven intelligence coach in order to offer a more rounded approach to healing. After a few years as a youth pastor, I  became part of the leadership team at the Texas School of Supernatural Ministry and served as a teacher and facilitator.


Yes, that’s right, my mind is warped unique.

Facebook addiction 99
Functional in the morning 25
Ability to jump to assumptions 75
My need for minions 100