The Story of Your Life
When people ask you about the story of your life, are the markers in your story those of the super crappy times in your life or the highlights that propelled you forward? Because whichever markers you use will define you as a victim or a warrior. #chooseyourname
When Your Heart Is Heavy
What do you do when your heart is heavy? You go to the one whose burden is light. When you are grieving? To the one whose presence is complete. When you are angry? To the one whose peace goes beyond what the world can give. John 14:27 He really is [...]
Join the Party
I was watching a worship leader recently, and I thought back to the days when I would criticize people in that position frequently (but I’m perfect now, y’all hear?). They couldn't sing perfectly, they didn't choose the "right' songs, their relationship with God didn't go deep enough, they weren't up [...]
When We Lose the Feeling of Hope
When we lose the feeling of hope and of the ability to have purpose, is it time to end the book? 1. Just because you can’t feel hope now doesn’t mean you never will. 2. Just because you don’t think you have a purpose now doesn’t mean you will never [...]
Right Where God Wants You
When well-meaning people try to comfort you with the words, "You're right where God wants you," perhaps it's not that God wants you in the middle of the mind-altering heap of crud that you can see for miles in every direction; perhaps it's that you're in his heart, in his [...]
God Is Too Much
If we were to reduce ourselves to a square root, we'd probably all have one personality trait that supersedes the others and is the foundation of everything else that is unique about us. But with God, there is no one thing that you can boil him down to. Even Paul [...]