Faith and Hope
I've been thinking a lot this week about the difference between faith and hope. Faith is what you have when you can see the outcome in your mind and you believe it will happen. Hope is what you have when you see an optimal outcome in your mind but you [...]
How Do You Bounce Back When Life Gets Hard?
There are two chief kinds of letdowns, and one is far more heartbreaking than the other. Disappointment in people you thought or expected more of. Disappointment in circumstances not changing. We see #1 letdowns all over social media, and there are so many people offering great advice and support that [...]
When You’ve Done Something Terrible
When you've done something terrible, shame will never give you the freedom you're looking for. You can pile on the self-loathing and inflict as much punishment on yourself you can think up, but it will never be enough to take the weight off your spirit. It will merely push you [...]
Doing Your Part
People talk about playing their part or doing their part, but I think the way that we can do the most with our lives is by being our part. What I mean by this is that if we focus on who we are and on living from the way we [...]
There Is a River
"There is a nahar (river), the streams whereof shall make glad the Ir Elohim, the Kedosh Mishkenei Elyon (the holy dwelling of the Most High). Elohim is in the midst of it [i.e., the Ir Elohim}; it shall not be moved." -- Psalm 46:4-5 OJB You are the holy dwelling [...]