You know when you watch chick flicks and they’re lying on the car on some overlook pointing out the stars, and one of them starts naming the constellations. Writers put stuff like that into books and movies because it triggers our spirit-soul connection with the source of all creativity.

And when you’re outdoors yourself some night, staring upward, you notice that the longer you adjust your eyes to the dark, the more light you can see.

I was thinking about that – the fact that each star is unique, that together they form different patterns in the sky as signs for us to see and wonder at.

What if we did that closer to home – we looked at people the way we look at stars, focusing more on the light when we’re in dark places, savoring the incredible detail in each person, seeing how people connect and form patterns as signs we can wonder at.

The longer your adjust your eyes to the dark, the more light you can see….