Sometimes things happen in life that leap into the base of your stomach with a thunk and slowly spend the next few days crawling back up the cliff face of your esophagus without a rope. It doesn’t matter who you talk to or how secretive you become about what’s going on—the fear sticks to your insides and no amount of positive thinking can wash it away.

I have had days like these.

Being the strategic kind, my unhelpful brain usually kicks into gear and replays all of the possible scenarios that could take place. While the brain can be a very useful thing, it is amazing how easy it is for the negative to take over when the possibility of bad news shrouds the horizon of hope.

Here are four things that can help:

Only share with friends who trust God’s goodness more than they fear the devil’s attacks.
Receive many doses of faith-filled prayers.
Receive love.
Receive support.

Fear wants to be your constant companion but it is not a faithful, loving bedfellow. Kick it out of bed and invite love in instead.