Your Words of Light
Remember [your Creator]—before the silver cord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecc. 12:6). [...]
Jesus Makes a Way for Us
When the Bible talks about Jesus making a way for us, it's not talking about a path similar to the one a child makes by kicking his Legos off a thin bit of carpet to his bed. Nor is it talking about clearing the weeds to form a winding path [...]
Sin – the Most Important Focus?
Sin looks a lot different when you still believe in or love the sinner. You'll find yourself justifying or trying to understand the sin, vilifying the accusers, and highlighting the other good things about the sinner. So is sin really the most important focus ... or is it love and [...]
Abandoned or Betrayed?
Do you feel abandoned or betrayed? What do you do when your so-called friends desert you? Type A: You withdraw. “He wants to ask my sister to be the lead singer? He really just wants to spend the rest of his life with her! Forget the lot of them. I don’t [...]
Decisions Advice
If it's time to make a decision and everyone around you is telling you it's not such a great idea, but all you do if fire back all the reasons why it is, it usually means it's a terrible idea. If it's time to make a decision and you know [...]
Some of my latest musings: We are here to serve others with our very best amalgamation of our skills, talents, experience, knowledge, Holy Spirit fruit, and personality. This means we have to leave the house from time to time and actually talk to people in person. Imagine if husbands tagged [...]