Calling the Devil’s Plans for Your Life God’s Plan
If you're calling the devil's plans for your life God's plan (death, sickness, pain, and suffering), you have a warped understanding of God's love. Yes, God can help you know his presence in the midst of your suffering. Yes, you can grow closer to God in the midst of your [...]
I Was Lied To
I was lied to. My whole generation was. We were told that the world was too scary a place, that we should stay safe at home and never experience the reality of other people who didn’t think the way we did, who didn’t believe the things we believed, who didn’t [...]
The Healing Power of Sound
There have been a number of studies done lately on the healing power of sound. Specific sound waves targeted at tumors can sometimes destroy them.…/ultrasound-cancer-research-hi… One device "listens to the autistic child's brainwaves to create personalized sounds (binaural beats) designed to stimulate the reduction in the user's Delta brainwaves." If [...]
Jesus Making a Way for Us
When the Bible talks about Jesus making a way for us, it's not talking about a path similar to the one a child makes by kicking his Legos off a thin bit of carpet to his bed. Nor is it talking about clearing the weeds to form a winding path [...]
Fairytale Christmas: The Fair Folk Saga, Book 1 Audiobook
My virgin voyage in the narration business with the wonderful Merrie Destefano is available through Amazon and Audible. Click through to hear an audio sample. This is what happens when you've heard you'd be good at something for years and you finally do it. I used Audacity to record it in my home [...]
When It Feels True in Your Head
Just because something feels true in your head doesn't make it true. If you think you're stupid and it feels true, it doesn't mean it's true. The thought no one could ever love you doesn't make it true. The thought that you'll be in survival mode forever doesn't make it [...]