Have You Let the Vision for Your Life Blur?
Have you let the vision for your life blur? Ask yourself when the last times were that you felt fully alive and see what the commonalities are in those moments. For some, it's time with friends. For others, it's travel, and for others, a good book. We all need moments to [...]
Giving Up on Life
Have you thought about giving up on life? It’s quite possible that shutting down, avoiding, and dissociation are what got you to the point you’re at now, and if so, ask yourself this: Have any of those behaviors given you any happiness? Let’s assume the answer is no. And that’s [...]
An Encounter She Had
A woman I know in a very friend-of-a-friend way shared an encounter she had at the age of fifteen, and I imagined it played out like this: I was sprawled across the sheets, all the stringy arms and legs of a fifteen-year-old who thought she was fat, and could feel [...]
Indecision – Finding Wisdom
If you can't hear God's response on something that's important to you — and no matter what anyone says, you still want solid confirmation that you should move forward or stay safe (an illusion, if ever there was one) — the closest thing you'll get to hearing God is hearing [...]
God’s Main Gift to Us
God’s main gift to us is not our personal happiness; it’s that we get to be an integral part of the bigger plan—to give life and give it abundantly. That includes what we learn by pushing past our fears and tasting all life has to give. How do you eat [...]
Making Decisions
If it's time to make a decision and everyone around you is telling you it's not such a great idea, but all you do is fire back all the reasons why it is, it usually means it's a terrible idea. If it's time to make a decision and you know [...]