Have you let the vision for your life blur? Ask yourself when the last times were that you felt fully alive and see what the commonalities are in those moments. For some, it’s time with friends. For others, it’s travel, and for others, a good book.

We all need moments to inspire us and steep us in joy. Life isn’t about the things we do as much as the moments in which we fully live.

  1. Write down everything you think others expect of you. If you feel like you can talk to them honestly, ask them to go over the list with you to see where you might have been off. You’ll most likely find that all they really want is for you to feel fulfilled and loved, and to be honest, we should live our own lives, not the lives we think our friends want.
  2. What kind of life do you want to create for yourself? Who do you want to include in it?
  3. Feeling stuck is good because it gives you a yearning to get out of the rut. Life always moves forward, and no one wants to stay on the same mountaintop for years anyway. There are many other mountains with equally gorgeous views waiting to be seen.

In summary, life sometimes feels dead when we overthink it. Moments of my own life story are created every day when I know what I’m passionate about and I look for ways to serve that up to those around me. You have a lot to give in your very unique way, so think about everyone you know and ask yourself the same questions:

What do I love to do and what can I do well, and how can I serve that up to enhance other people’s lives?