When you feel like you are not growing spiritually, it’s easy to look at it a religious way. You could say you don’t make your 30 minutes of Bible study and prayer a priority, therefore you’re not growing, but the reality is that spiritual growth comes from being with God, just as a marriage grows with the give and take of life, facing trials together, holding each other tightly when we think we are about to drown, listening and valuing each other, and doing loving things for each other all the time.

In the same way, I don’t think we can grow spiritually without having ongoing chat with God in our head at all times and treating our relationship like a marriage – a seamless back and forth, give and take, serve and receive, listen and speak.

And this can’t just be between us and God, it has to include his body. We can’t grow without learning how to value and “see” and do life with those we are in community with.

Friendships grow by doing life together. We are friends of God, and we grow that friendship by doing life together with him and each other, side by side, me in him, him in me.