If someone posted a craigslist ad about a huge mansion throwing its doors open to the public because the owner had died, and you could take whatever you wanted, hundreds of thousands would show up and go crazy in the grabbing. They’d rent U- Hauls so they could take as much as possible.

When Matthew 11:12 talks about the violent taking heaven by force, it actually means to ransack heaven.

Which begs the question of ourselves–are we ransacking heaven every day, clearing the shelves, grabbing all we can find and assimilating it so we can serve it up to our fellow man?

Fervor and zeal don’t have to mean being loud and monopolizing conversations. It can be about being so passionate about being one with heaven that you can’t imagine functioning without all God has ready to give, so you go after it with determined focus all the time.

It’s ours for the taking.