How do you move forward knowing you’ve done horrible things in the past?

– Know that’s not who you are. You were designed perfectly and were given the breath of life to make sure you lived out your life being and doing all you were given life for.

– You did horrible things. Accept that fact, but again, know that that’s not who you are. Don’t let those things define you. Nothing is wasted in this life if we use what we have learned to better our fellow man in the future.

– Figure out who you are — personality, talents, learned experiences, communication style, passions. Know what you have so you can give it away every day.

– You are a gift to this world. See yourself as a gift. Make it your daily goal to make one person smile, give one person help unasked for, make time to listen.

– Once you know who you are — all the good that’s been placed in you — and once you’ve mastered the art of giving yourself and your time away, you’ll see the beauty in your life, in all life, and you’ll thrive.

Again, every time you look back on the bad things you’ve done, stare them down and say,

That’s not who I am.

Because it’s not.