I’ve been thinking about engagements and marriage lately, why people choose the ones they choose, and how all that played out in real life over the years once married.

I have no regrets, but when I think of the standards I had for a future spouse back in my early 20s, I think they’d be very different now. Back then I just wanted a man who was funny and short and who loved God. Twenty-five years later, I know that’s it’s not so much about who I want to SPEND the rest of my life with, it’s about who I want to DO life with.

Marriage is not easy. We can hurt each other, stop giving, and nurse offenses.

It’s also wonderful. We laugh together, we comfort each other, we pour everything we are into our kids and watch them turn into great adults, we build our future together.

For me, the best parts were definitely when we joined our unique strengths and passions and worked as one. So looking back, how would your list of qualities in a potential spouse have changed, were you to make a new list?