Why is the name of Jesus so powerful? Sometimes it isn’t …

Take the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19) – What went down was that Sceva’s sons thought they could yell Jesus’s name at some demons in a guy and they’d instantly flee–maybe into some pigs, or at least down the road. Not so. What they did was like name-dropping at a Hollywood party.

Oh yeah, I was at dinner with “insert superstar* last week and he thought my idea was fabulous. So sit up and pay attention to me because *superstar* spoke to me. That means you should too, and you should also take my ideas very seriously.

Pretty much everyone knows that dinner was probably for 500 people and you met him in the bathroom and he said uhuh to your idea while you interrupted him as he washed his hands. Inside, they’re laughing at you. Kind of like the demons Sceva’s sons were yelling at. They said something along the lines of, We recognize the name of Jesus; boy howdy, do we; but who are you, you spiritually lame, weak, name-droppers?

You can’t name drop Jesus.

You have to know him personally. You have to be fully one with him and have daily conversations, so that when you do pray and use his name (so that light will fill the places darkness used to inhabit), evil knows it has no other choice but to leave—because it can’t stand its ground against the aligned power team of you and Jesus.

Again, it’s not the name, in itself, that carries the weight; it’s the relationship you have with Jesus—the one you’re centered and fully alive in. Just as your life source is your blood, your source of strength is the One in you. And that’s what you walk around as—marked by the superpower oneness you have with the name above all names: Jesus.