A collection of thoughts I’ve had:

We’ve been religious for decades about the words that come out of our mouths, but it’s not about the words, it’s about the hearts behind the words. Once your heart is whole, you don’t have to focus on what comes out of your mouth. You can just focus on the fullness of life within.

Most decisions in life are about the jump, not the destination.

God’s pretty good at yelling STOP if you’re about to make a monumentally bad decision. Thing is, though, he usually does it through your friends. Choose them wisely.

Re worry – you’re either going to trust God or you’re not, so every time you hear a “yes, but” in your head, shoot it down the chute into God’s hands and focus on taking care of the things you can.

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.

Tunnels were built because going over the mountaintops took too long, so if you’re in a dark tunnel in life, remember that you’re still on the faster route to the other side.

Powerless people’s approach relationships as consumers. They are always looking for other people who have resources of love, happiness, joy, and comfort to offer in a relationship to share with them, because they don’t have any. But powerful people get their love from the One and keep it on.

Don’t act like an indentured servant to your self-improvement list. You were free to begin with.