Some random thoughts I’ve had:

  • We each fit into a bigger picture somewhere, so never overestimate your own importance and, more importantly, never underestimate the significance of others.


  • If you always talk about people and say, “He’s/she’s great BUT…” that habit needs to be loved out of you, and it starts with loving yourself. Whenever you think something nice about yourself or others, stop at the “great” part. Christianity is an ongoing celebration of life, not a daily proclamation of death.


  • If you want people to like you and notice you, perhaps start thinking about liking and noticing them first, rather than about whether or not they are liking and noticing you.


  • Fat-shaming yourself into thinness is never a good idea because in doing so, you become your greatest adversary rather than your greatest ally. Even if it works, you will then use shame as a weapon to try and help others and end up crippling them. Kindness is so much kinder and more productive.


  • “There is a nahar (river), the streams whereof shall make glad the Ir Elohim, the Kedosh Mishkenei Elyon (the holy dwelling of the Most High). Elohim is in the midst of it [i.e., the Ir Elohim}; it shall not be moved.” — Psalm 46:4-5 OJB


  • You are the holy dwelling of God. The streams of his Holy Spirit are flowing through you, making you glad. He is in your midst. You shall not be moved from that wholeness.


  • You can try all you like, but you’ll never manage to legislate or punish people into love.


  • I wonder if God listens to prayers and rates them in the same way we’d rate a book or speech…. Do the angels hover over a board like Vanna White and cheer when one gets interesting? Are there high-fives?  Personally, I think that God prefers the shorter heartfelt and authentic prayers like Help.