When you feel abandoned by God because of the hatred and unforgiveness in your heart toward someone, and you feel you can’t reconcile with God because of it…

Nothing is irreversible with God, and you’re now at the doorway into opening your heart to everything he has to give or keeping it closed.

The biggest thing about God is that we think he acts like we do, when all he sees is what he has put in us, all he does is love us.

All he’s ever wanted is for you to let him back in.

When we’re full of shame, we assume he doesn’t want to be near us. It’s actually the opposite that happens–he’s closer than ever, watching, waiting, hoping. And when you’re ready, you’ll tell him that even though you find it extraordinarily difficult to believe, you’ll accept that he loves you unconditionally no matter how much darkness you’ve allowed in, and you’ll give him permission to come back and fill your heart with all of the love and light he longs to give.

The more of his love you let in, the more the darkness will begin to back into a corner, until eventually your whole heart will be full of God’s light and love again.

He understands how much pain you went through to cause you to need that emotional wall of unforgiveness. It’s just that his love is always bigger, stronger, and more powerful than any pain. His love is always more healing than any wall. That’s my prayer for you—that you would accept that he loves you completely, totally, wholly right now, no matter how much the opposite feels true. And once that’s established, you can talk to him more about everything else going on in your heart.